Hello friends and fellow mustache lovers!
In my great quest for drama in our everyday lives, I am embarking on a week-long adventure of mustachedness to bring strangeness and wonder to those around me. This week of performance art involves very few technical requirements: me, and a mustache - to be precise, seven different mustaches!
I discovered at the fantastic little hippie store in Lexington, KY, SQecial Media, a week's supply of self-adhesive 'staches including the following lip caterpillars:
Monday: The Hero
Tuesday: The Square
Wednesday: The Bruiser
Thursday: The Weasel
Friday: The Sheriff
Saturday: The Grandpa
Sunday: The Hollywood
As today is Monday, I've begun my week as The Hero, proudly supporting facial hair everywhere (but mostly on the face), fighting crime against bald upper lips!
This piece should certainly question how seriously we take ourselves. More to come.
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