Still. Going Forward Backward

Panic pounds the light board.
In a flurry of worry
It swallowed the cues to
Protect them, but lost,
Digested, erased.
The room grows cold
With lights breathing hard
To stay alive, with no
Purpose. All eyes on poor
Tal, her hands shaking
Off the fear that clings - static
Electricity - refusing to loosen its
Grip on her. It squeezes harder
"Mathew?" faint faint, breathe
"help" so small. "Can I panic now?"
They live! The lights, the lights
Exhale their brilliance, pouring
Radiance on the pastel stage.
They glow, a constellation
Enveloping us all in majesty
And as the colors sway in and out of
Happy focus, a tired shadow lays
Down, worn out from giving
Birth to twins, only one of
Which survived.


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