Liz is the Future, calling to me, and telling me to change. She's 60 years old, and in so many ways like me. She mumbles in rants, expecting people to hear her. She has an odd sense of humor because she always sounds serious, so you have to be tuned in to tell whether she's joking or not. And she often sounds like she's angry when she really isn't, she just says things sternly. She proclaims the horrors of things that mean a lot to her, even though it isn't a crisis to anyone else. And she mentions things that are of no interest to anyone, she just points them out. She's a tekkie, like me, and a brilliant light designer. But the thing that she has mastered that I haven't yet is temper. Whenever I begin to get frustrated or angry, she just says that a temper won't solve anything.
I don't want to end up 60, heavy, alone with my dog, stern and mumbling, sometimes interesting but oftentimes not. I don't want to sound angry half of the time, and I don't want to lose my sense of humor. I love Liz, but she is a sign, "Look Out"
I love reading all of your adventures. Keep this up, it's extremely entertaining and well written. I can't wait until you get home!!! Also, pictures would be nice seeing as I have no idea what this place is like. haha. After reading this I'm considering making a new blog of my own. A fresh start for a slightly different Betsy. Hmmm...
yay! I have one now. Go check it out if you wish. (I guess it gives you a link, but just in case
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